Friday, December 3, 2010

Up, Down, and All Around

Okay, so I haven't been here in a while. Sue me! Oh, that's right, you can' don't know who I am...HA! Okay, a few of you do, but I don't think you'll go to the hassle of tracking me down and dragging me down for missing a few weeks.

Sorry, I'm in a sarcastic mood right now. But that's a good thing as I have a sarcastic sense of humor, so when I'm in a sarcastic mood, it usually means I'm in a good mood. That is the case right now, so I thought I'd take advantage of it and write for a few minutes. And I really do only have a few minutes...I am at work.

Things have been up and down a LOT since I last wrote. I'll start with the negative so I can end with the positive...

I haven't even been on the SOS boards much lately. I don't think I've been there at all for more than a week...maybe more. I'm gonna feel so behind once I get there, but I know there will be lots of support, too, once I arrive.

We are still struggling with maintenance. Not NEARLY like before, but I do sometimes feel like we are spinning our wheels and never get to where I want to be. And of course the kids will cooperate beautifully one day and completely the opposite the next. The dry erase board is helping, but our schedules are so crazy and chaotic that even that is hard to keep up with.

I come home from work, and I am just wiped out...and I usually still have lots of running left to do for the kids' sports. I LOVE that they are in sports, but it means we are ALWAYS on the go. So many women do this with so much less do they do it?? I know I have some health issues that do not help, but they really aren't that bad, so I should be able to keep up with this better. I really wish we could afford a housekeeper just to help us keep up with the basics. Ah well...

Positive stuff is happening all the time, though, so I don't often feel overwhelmed or too discouraged. For example, I baked cookies a few days a clean kitchen! Well, at least it started off clean. And because of that, I was motivated to put things away and clean up as I went. I haven't made these kind of cookies in a long time...and oh, were they yummy!

I had a headache yesterday. A bad one. Worse than I've had in a while. If you've ever had migraines, you know what I mean. I got home from Hannah's bb game and almost crawled to the nearest chair. My kids got me an ice pack, and I didn't move for a couple hours. I then went straight to bed. Slowly, eventually, with an ice pack, medication, a dark room, and a warm bed, it began to ease. How is that a positive in my world of squalor? Well, the kitchen and family room aren't where I'd like them to be as far as cleanliness goes, BUT...they weren't so bad that I laid there worrying and thinking about it. (And trust me, migraine or not, in my previous world, I would have done that.) I could go to bed guilt-free knowing that in the next couple days we would get to them, and it wouldn't take all day to do it.

We are getting ready for my son's birthday. He'll be 13 which is a big deal for our family. It will be the first "real" get-together since I've begun this journey to clean. I'm actually looking forward to it, not stressing for it! This is a big step for me. And a new concept...welcoming people into my CLEAN home. All of this happens on Sunday...just 4 days away...! Well, I've gotta change subjects now, because I know if I think about it TOO much, I WILL end up stressing.

Hubby shampooed the carpets in two of the main rooms. They look a little better, but boy do we need new carpeting!! Not gonna happen for a while, but at least I know we've got it as clean as we can. People can sit, and kids can crawl on it w/o fear.

I am really missing my craft area. It gets out of control every now and then, and then I clean it up, sort thru a lot of it, and start all over. I've been wanting to do that for weeks now, but one road block after another pops up. My son broke his foot, but he plays bb, so we're still taking him to games to support the team. My daughter is also in bb, so most every day entails either practice or a game. I have little to no energy it seems. You know how it just gets in the way. AAAAAKK!

Well, on that note, I am going to close...for now. I already have ideas for future posts, so it shouldn't be so long again.


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