Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I actually started this on Wednesday, Nov. 10th...

I was sent to the wrong building today for work. Things went downhill from there. When I got to the right building (late, of course), they didn't even know I was supposed to be there. A secretary gave me my folder and an ID tag and promptly turned around and walked away. I was dismissed. I finally found the right room, but no instructions, no note, no prep, no clue. Oh this was going to be a glorious day....

I leave that room to arrive where I need to be next only to find out I was dressed completely inappropriately. GRRRrrr... never mind that I dressed according to how this type of assignment had worked every single time in the past. Today was different. Of course.

My coworker was quite gracious, kind, and helpful (thank you, Lord!), but it didn't take away any of my discomfort or self consciousness. As far as I was concerned, from the very beginning, this day couldn't be over soon enough.

I got home exhausted and was pleasantly surprised and grateful when DH offered to pick up our DD from play practice this afternoon. It was a good day to relax, no major projects undertaken today. With the kids' school show this weekend, we knew we wouldn't get much, if anything, done this week. Maintaining would be hard enough.

I didn't think anyone could equal or better my procrastination, but the kids are definitely in the running if not far far ahead. It's getting quite annoying having to constantly hound them after they get home. It wouldn't be so bad except that they are getting home quite late this week, so there's not much time between their arrival home and bedtime to get chores done. Now, I kept all of this in mind when creating their chores. Their lists are much smaller, and each chore considerably easier than usual. But they STILL drag their feet and then eventually forget...a lot. Often they are in bed before I discover undone or half-done chores. AARRGGG!

We did get some things done this weekend and earlier this week that are worth noting:
  • DH took apart the stove door, so I was finally able to get to that gross, greasy, sticky substance under the handle. Tearing it apart and putting it back together was what I dreaded the most, so I was so grateful that my hubby did that part of it. Cleaning it all up after that actually wasn't bad in that I didn't mind, and it didn't take too long. I swear last night, I heard it say, "Thank you!" I smiled and gave it a pat as I passed by last night. A clean stove...what a concept!
  • The microwave. DD and I both did this. I got the outside all cleaned up and left the inside for her. She informed me quite clearly that she did not appreciate how nasty the roof of that microwave had gotten...! :P
  • We got three big black garbage bags of trash taken downstairs. Remember those from our son's room that were in the living room. We also took another big bag to the car to take to Goodwill. This made a big dent in the living room which was quickly getting out of control again.
  • We got a big garbage bag of clothes and a box of misc stuff that was in the car actually TO Goodwill the other day.
Yay for positives in the midst of a busy, stressful week!

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