Monday, November 1, 2010

A Reason to Smile

Didn't have to work today, but SO tired. I slept in, and then by mid afternoon I was wilting fast. So I basically got nothing done today. No major backslide, but a lot of lost opportunity.

The kids are not feeling too cooperative today. The usual excuses: "I just did that yesterday!" "Can't so-and-so do it?" "That's not part of cleaning the counters (or whatever)." GRRRR. A lot of sighs and eye-rolling, too.

We are trying a schedule of sorts getting the daily and weekly chores done. I was going to try to come up with something permanent...we would do a certain chore every Monday, another one every Tuesday, etc. and most of the time the same person would do the same chores. I didn't work in that direction too long at all before I realized there is no way that would work for us. The kids are both in sports, and every week, our schedule is different. Plus no one likes to do the same chore over and over. So-o-o-o, I reworked it. Each week is going to be different, and because of sports and/or drama schedules, someone may be working more one or two days, and there will be days where none of us can get anything but maintenance done, but most of the time it will balance out. I post two or three days worth of a schedule on our dry erase board, and they are to check it as soon as they get home from school and then get them done in a reasonable amount of time. Today was the first day, and as you can guess from the attitudes I posted earlier, it wasn't the smoothest in the world. BUT...I have a sense that given some time, it could work if we all work together to MAKE it work.

There have been some positives going on around here, though:
I am so glad we made our bedroom a place of peace. It is so nice going to bed in there without having to step around, over, or on top of piles of clothes and trash. And it makes it easier to get up and get ready in the morning. And I have to laugh at myself because I LIKE having the bed made every day...! I really didn't think I would like it this much, and I certainly thought that even if I did, I'd never admit it to myself or especially to anyone else after what I posted about it. (See my post about making the bed if you're just now joining was a couple weeks or so ago, I believe.) But it's true...I do like it. :P

My daughter had a couple friends over the other day to go trick-or-treating together. It was a spontaneous decision, no time to run home and clean, and it was possible because of our recent progress. The family room was pretty cluttered when we first got home, but my daughter took a few minutes to clean it up, and her friends even helped carry a couple boxes to the car so they were out of the way. We then all had a great time watching a movie until it was time for them to get dressed up.

We did manage to vacuum yesterday. Now, to get caught up on laundry. You know, that's one chore I usually don't mind doing, but I am FOREVER behind on it! Also to get rid of our dining room table. I recently downsized and got rid of the mountain of paperwork on our old table. Our new table is much smaller and much more the style I had originally wanted. I remember when we bought the old set. Hubby wasn't crazy about it and tried to talk me out of it. I dug in my heels and really wanted it. We didn't get it paid off in time, so we ended up paying a ton of interest. It was never worth it, and I while I did really like it, I can't say that I loved it. This new one, however, I really love...and I'm keeping it clean. It's got some decorations on it that I am enjoying, and every time I walk thru that room now, I smile.

Well, I've got an early morning tomorrow, so off to bed now. Here's to more rooms that make me/us smile...soon! :)

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