Friday, October 29, 2010

Clothes and Closets

I have been posting much of this at the SOS blog site. It's amazing how a response or two from those lovely ladies along with a rise in the numbers who are reading this can perk one up so considerably. To those of you posting and reading...thank you! Your words, thoughts and prayers mean so much.

:-* How long ago was it that I said, "Let's see how long it takes me to put away the clothes that are out in the living room." Hmmm....I'll have to look it up. But I finally got it done today! Mount WashedMore is no more! It's nice to know what clothes I have available, especially for work. Now, if we could just keep up with the rest of the house...! ::)

Because of putting clothes away and reading a thread at SOS about carpet beetles and larvae, I got motivated to clean out the closet floor. No creepie crawlies (whew!), but of course there was some dried up food in the back corners. My critters like to steal and hide food of all sorts when we are gone. There wasn't much as I've recently finally gotten in the habit of actually closing the closet door, but whatever was there was pretty unidentifiable. :P Thank goodness for a long reaching vacuum so I didn't have to get too close!

I had a slew of purses in there, and I was able to purge about half of them. Someone at Goodwill will be getting some nice deals on some nice handbags. I'm just shaking my head and wondering WHY I kept them for so sure I would use them eventually. I was also able to condense my shoes a bit so I could fit in a basket of pants that had been sitting just outside of the closet.

Overall, this just adds to the sense of peace in our bedroom.

Our son actually dug in and made some real progress in his room. Still a long way to go, and hubby wanted to just keep going, but my son was feeling overwhelmed and needed a break. He and hubby tend to clash on this issue anyway. Son wants to do it himself; hubby wants to help (and son does need SOME help) but takes it so personally when son wants to at least start it himself. They did reach a compromise today, but I had to remind hubby that his room was as bad as our whole house had been and we had to do the house in small stages (and we're STILL struggling with the whole maintenance thing), so we couldn't expect too much from our son. We have all cleaned up his room in the past, but within days it would be back to where it was. Something has to be different this time...that definition of insanity, remember? Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. SOMEthing has to be done differently!

Anyway, what was interesting to me was that one of the things he was most proud of was how much of his stuff that he got rid of! He actually got rid of old trophies, lots of stuffed animals, and of course some clothes. He seems to really like the feeling of freedom and peace it gives his room! I am proud of him! I am so surprised at the trophies, and a part of me wants to go get them back out. They were something he had been so proud of...but they WERE from quite a while ago, and he did keep a couple faves. He's got bigger goals to attain as he heads into junior high and high school. Maybe this frees him up to reach for those hindrances whatsoever, either mental or tangible. Good for him!

Early morning, tomorrow, so g'nite all!

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