Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I Made My Bed Today!

This makes me laugh. I have been planning and thinking about this blog for days...I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it (in my head until now).

It's been months and possibly even years since I've made my bed. Now, believe it or not, we have always been able to sleep in our bed...it has not been covered with junk/stuff/clothes/whatever for more than a day. (Now, the floor is a different story, but we won't go there today.) For most people -- from average housekeepers to OCD cleanies -- making the bed is a pretty basic thing taught from the time one is a toddler. But for me, it's just never been a priority. And to some extent, it still isn't at the top of my list. I mean, come on, you're just gonna get back in it in about 16 hours, it's easy to close a bedroom door to the outside, and it doesn't hinder anything else by letting it go. It is strictly an aesthetically pleasing chore. Even if you use the bed, like I do, to fold and sort laundry before putting it away, it's not hard to toss aside the covers and carry on. Making the bed doesn't make that any easier to do. Think about it...the kitchen counters look nice when they're clean, but mainly they become much more functional. The floors...much easier to walk through and work on. Even dusting, which helps things look nice also serves a purpose in that it keeps the dirt and dust that we breathe in to a minimum. But making the bed...? Well....you get the idea.

Even my daughter and husband think of making the bed as part of the basics. My daughter, ON HER OWN, has been making her bed every morning for at least a couple of years. And at the very beginning of this journey, when we were discussing things we would shoot for to do on a daily basis, my husband mentioned making the bed. He even volunteered to fold his covers and set them aside, since we have separate covers (I am a notorious cover hog, plus I toss and turn, practically doing gymnastics in bed, so we have separate covers). My cover is a nice comforter that can serve as a bed spread, too. I told hubby it would have to be pretty simple at first (and maybe always): spread out the comforter, throw on some nice pillow shams, and toss the pillows at the head of the bed. Anything more than that, and I'll fade out of that habit pretty quickly.

I fell into that perfectionism mode a little bit in that I wanted to change the linens before I started making the bed. I did that a while ago, but kept forgetting to make the bed. It's not part of my routine, and since I'm not a morning person, I kept walking by it in a daze every morning. Today, for the first time in a while, I had the opportunity to sleep in (only had to go to work for half a day...the second half), and when I woke up, I noticed hubby's covers all folded up. I wondered how long he had been doing that hoping I would get around to making the bed...? Anyway...I actually made the bed today!

Something else I had forgotten was how much fun our one cat is when I make the bed. She thinks my shaking and spreading out the comforter is an invitation to play. She goes a little nuts chasing the edges and corners and this morning ended up playing with her own tail long after I finished. In the past, she would sometimes start off under the cover, so I would just let it fall on top of her. I would then place bets in my head as to how long it would take her to get out. And I love how, in situations like that, cats try to leave and carry on with some dignity. So hopefully, I'll remember to make the bed from here on out, and I'll get some entertainment in the morning...when I most need it! But since you know it's not at the top of my list...if I miss it here and there...well...have some patience...! :)

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