Sunday, October 24, 2010


"List three accomplishments in order of priority that you have had that you feel will help with this job."

That was a question on a recent job application that I was filling out. Several weeks ago I was asked an almost identical question in an interview.

I hate this question. Still do. And lately it's been haunting me a bit.

The first thing that always comes to mind is my kids. I have two terrific kids, and I could absolutely burst with pride when I think or talk about them. I am a good mom. It's one of the few things (maybe the only thing) I have much self confidence in. I could talk about them for a long time.

But that's only one thing. What else can I say? It was especially hard in the interview because I was drawing a complete blank. So we sat there in silence while I was trying to come up with something. I'm sure that went over well...not.

Lately, I am so happy with the changes we've made in the house. We are rising out of squalor, and it hasn't been easy. In fact, we are having some trouble keeping up with some of the maintenance. There isn't the squalor like we've had...not even close. But there is clutter. It wouldn't take very long to quickly get it picked up for company, and that's a treat for us, but it's still not where I want to be. Anyway, I don't think "de-squaloring" would go over too well with a supervisor as an accomplishment in a job application.

I don't think I make a great wife. Several years after going through struggle after struggle...our own hell of sorts...I still have trouble giving what I know my husband needs. And not being able to do any sort of normal housekeeping until recently doesn't put me high on list of good, qualified wives, I'm sure.

I've volunteered for several ministries in our church, but guess how many of those have thrived and grown, especially because of what I've done? Ummm....let's see....counting the most recent one....that would be zero. (As in zip, zilch, zero, nada.)

I've had some jobs through my adult life, some part-time, some full-time, and some I've done well, and some not. But even with those that I've done well, there isn't anything I can claim as an "accomplishment."

I do like my current job; in fact, I like it a lot, and I'm pretty good at it. But it's one where I should be making a difference with people, and I don't think I am. I would love to hear from someone from the past that I actually made a dent in their life. Maybe I've been watching too many Hallmark movies.

I haven't posted in a while, and I don't like to be such a downer now, but I'm just struggling a bit tonite. *sigh*

I know God's grace is enough...oh, thank the Lord for that! But I'd like to be able to say I've served Him well, and I just don't think I have.

"Well done, good and faithful servant." Those words make me cry almost every time I read them because I don't think I'll ever hear them. And the tears are starting now, so before I make myself worse, I'm going to sign off.

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