Monday, October 18, 2010

A Squalor's Dictionary

There is a thread at the SOS forum titled "The SOS Dictionary." It has been fun reading some of these. It's been helpful, too, as I did wonder about some of them. I thought I'd post them here, so that if I use them, you'll know what I'm talking about. Even if I don't use them, they're fun to read. Enjoy.
  • twirling - when you stand in a room, looking around and trying to figure out where to start, and you end up confused and overwhelmed, and you end up doing nothing.
  • sink pudding - that gunk that fills your sink after a loooong time of not doing the dishes.
  • ballet - the "dance" you do when you're navigating a path (see "goat trail") in your house and trying to avoid running into and tripping over things.
  • goat trail - the path through your home when all other areas are impassable.
  • Mt. Washmore - a huge pile of dirty laundry that needs to be done.
  • Mt. Washedmore - a huge pile of clean clothes that need to be put away.
  • amnesty - your official pardon from doing all the things like recycling that you think you MUST or SHOULD do in order to be a good person, but, as you continue to do them, or attempt to do them, you find they actually sabotage your efforts at having a safe and sane home. Therefore, you are granted amnesty from any thought or expectation that puts even one more tiny step between you and a healthy, happy, and junk-free home.
  • the breeding grounds - where socks go to do the nasty & create hundreds of singlet socks with no match. (For example: Our socks tend to go completely sterile when they are actually in the laundry room - all socks have one mate & no offspring. Once they hit the couch after drying though, it's a free-for-all sock orgy & I can't tell you how many love-children have appeared after the wild sock festivals that go on in broad daylight on my couch. It's disgusting.)
  • stacking - when all of the horizontal spaces are taken, you have to go vertical. Really tall "stacks" fall sometimes.
  • frozen - when feeling overwhelmed, you can't do anything. Also known as paralysis.
  • overwhelmed - what every single one of us was feeling when we stumbled upon SOS. (And yes, it still happens.)
  • shop & drop - coming back from a shopping trip and dropping everything in the foyer, where it stays for several months.
  • Mt. Fuji - a positive term to describe 3+ weeks' worth of pots & pans that have just been washed and are stacked up on the kitchen counter, air-drying.
  • Churning - moving stuff from place to place without actually putting it away or finding a permanent home for it - or getting rid of it.
  • Squober (I love this one!) - A play on the word "sober," a change in lifestyle and most importantly, a change in the way of thinking that leads to cleaning your way out of squalor and eventually into maintenance. Many of us are "clean and squober!"
  • self squabotage - self sabotaging by putting too many steps or complications between yourself and getting stuff OUT of your home; coming up with seemingly legitimate reasons to hold onto things, sort through them, or finding other ways to keep them around longer.
  • squabotage - unintentionally giving advice to others in the same vein.
  • squinking - thinking that begins with........but i paid so much for xyz, or it was given to me by so and so, or i'll use it again some day, or i need it in case for xyz, or it's not "green" to just throw it out, or this is too good to just toss out/give away........pretty much any thought that pops into your head after you get the first inkling you ought to get something the heck out of your home instead of simply just getting rid of it.
  • roominate - traveling from room to room in your home THINKING about all the stuff you intend to do.

I think what makes some of these fun is that there are actually terms for these things. Things that I have been doing and never realized how many others have been or are doing, too. They understand me. Much like an alcoholic or drug addict, while I am disgusted with my habits, I am relieved to know there are so many others who are walking this walk with me, and others who have made it and can verify that clean and squober is not an impossible goal.

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