Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cobwebs, Be Gone!

Lots of kudos to give out today...

We got a lot accomplished the past couple days. First of all, our "formal" living room (Is there such a thing as a formal living room when living in squalor??) has been cleaned up...vacuumed, dusted, the whole nine yards. My son did this, and while he didn't do a perfect job, he didn't do too bad at all. This shouldn't be too hard to defend (maintain) as we don't spend a lot of time there. It's nice because that's where the front door opens into, so at least the first impression will be good. Now, my dining room which is the second place most people see is still a wreck, but I'm here to talk about progress...

We bought a desk for our family room to take the place of a computer armoir that we recently sold. The desk is bigger than I thought it would be, but I still really like it. It motivated us to move some furniture around, and in doing so, we pulled out the vacuum. I was delighted with my family's attitude. When my daughter and I started the process, I thought we would do the bare minimum and work on the rest this week, but she pulled out the vacuum, I started moving furniture, and we were off and running! While we had the vacuum out, I suggested getting some nasty cobwebs out of the one corner. We couldn't reach, so we hollered for my hubby to come help. He got those cobwebs and then started around the room. Ugh...there were a lot more than I realized! But I think we got them all. And it was actually kind of fun going around and sucking up those dirty old webs. Hmmm...I'm thinking now maybe I should have left them there for Halloween...? ...Nah. :P

We also vacuumed off the ceiling fan. Could someone tell me what it is about ceiling fans that they collect so much gunk?! (Yes, that is the scientific name for it..."gunk." A cross-species of gross, junk, goo, and grodies. Ick!) Anyway, we got the family room floor cleaned up, and we dusted the furniture and pictures. I swear, some of the stuff could have been accessories to a haunted house...dust and cobwebs galore! The coffee table still needs to be cleaned off. That's an area like my kitchen island that draws clutter, papers, and even dirty dishes like nowhere else. It will take a while to get that maintained on a regular basis. But to keep my sanity, I'm going to focus on defending the floor for now. Between the living room and the family room floor, those are enough new areas to maintain this week. We have another crazy week ahead, especially the beginning half.

What made me smile through most of the progress we made is my family's attitude. So much better than a couple weeks ago! Maybe I caught them on a good day; maybe they're enjoying the other clean areas, so they're willing to pitch in a little better. I don't know. But I do know I was incredibly grateful for it today. A productive weekend...even with attending a wedding yesterday!

Now...the work week grind begins in a just a few hours. G'nite, all!

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