Thursday, October 7, 2010


I hit a wall. A brick wall. Not a literal wall, but a wall of exhaustion that felt like a brick wall. Our schedules are incredibly busy, every single day. Wednesdays are usually the least busy, so I always try to add at least one more area of clean on Wednesdays, even if it's a small area. But, I had a bit of a rough day at work yesterday, and then had some running around to do afterward. I was pretty whipped when I got home, but I did manage to make some supper. I was so hungry, and it tasted so that was a wonderful reprieve in the day. Shortly after that, though is when I hit that wall. What is frustrating is that I kept dozing off and on in our recliner, but talk about strange dreams! Weird. And not at all restful. I was probably snoring, too (I usually do).

I had plans to progress further forward in my cleaning projects. As I said, Wednesdays are usually pretty quiet...the kids don't have practices or games, and we had an evening at home, but that wall was just totally insurmountable. I had assigned my kids their projects, and much to their credit, they did accomplish them. On top of that, my hubby made sure they got the maintenance areas in the kitchen done, so by the time we went to bed, the counters were clean and the dishes were done. They weren't done perfectly, but they were done, and I can live with that. The fact that they were done at all tells me that we are getting the hang of this maintenance thing. In the past, we would have let it go, telling ourselves (lying to ourselves, really), that since it wasn't too bad, we'd get to it the next day. This time, my kids and hubby, "sucked it up" and just did it (while I snored ever so gently in the recliner. And I am so proud of them! (I HEARD that choking--or was it guffawing?--about my gentle snoring...)

On an even more positive note, on Tuesday evening, both kids commented out loud about how nice it was that we were maintaining the kitchen. I think, like me, they are seeing that this is do-able, and if we keep adding things at a reasonable pace, we will eventually have a house where people can drop in without the fear of God running through our veins when we hear a knock at the door. You know how it is, when your friend calls wanting to drop something off, and you's raining out, so you can't meet them outside, race through the house picking up whatever you possibly can, throw it in the bedroom, slam the door. Then, you race through the house spraying air freshener, hoping that gives an illusion of clean (we all know it doesn't work, but we try anyway). And my house is laid out in such a way that I keep them trapped at the front door, practically spinning them on their heels, saying "Thanx so much, and I'd invite you in, but I can't right now," and shoo them back out into the rain. Yeah, that would be me...the hostess with the mostest. :p

Good to know that changes are in process...

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