Thursday, October 14, 2010

Our bedroom...a new place of peace

Another Oasis created!

I had the day off (sort of), and the kids had off school, so I finally got to my side of our bedroom. Since my hubby cleaned his side and has kept it pretty clean, that means the whole bedroom is now a sanctuary. I don't know why I haven't been wanting to do it, but I'm glad it's done now. I can't say that I was in the mood for doing it even today, but I wasn't as against it as usual, so I just started. Motivation does follow action, most of the time, and this time it worked. Once I got started, I really wanted to finish. I moved at a slow but steady pace, and for once, I didn't get overheated or overtired. It helped having little on our schedule today, so I could focus. It also helped that this wasn't part of a crisis cleaning. I've done plenty of those (usually when I was expecting company), and they usually end up badly...I procrastinate and don't get done nearly what I want to, and I'm rushing around when the company arrives...I'm flustered, way behind, and embarrassed.

Now, I've got lots of clothes out in the living room that need to be put away. I've been waiting until the bedroom was done before bringing them in. Smart choice for me, but let's see how long it takes me to get them put away. I need to pick up hangers...I'm always short of hangers...always.

Now, to change the subject a little bit. I've been thinking about the words "defend" and "maintain." I noticed at the SOS site that when talking about maintaining areas, the word "defend" is actually used. I really liked that, and I think I understand why. I think it shows a proactive approach. It seems to be more of an action verb than "maintain." I played sports in high school and know the importance of a good defense. It's every bit as important as the offense. One cannot survive without the other. "Maintain" sounds easy...too easy. "Defend" gives a better idea as to how hard this is for some of us...not impossible, but not easy either.

Just some thoughts for the evening...

G'nite all...

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