Saturday, October 16, 2010

Quote of the century!

"I don't mind doing it because the rooms are already clean."

I was lying in bed (it's Saturday; I was sleeping in, give me a break), when I heard this quote from my daughter just outside my room. I sat straight up and shook my head to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Pinch me, please. On second thought, don't. If I am dreaming, I don't want to wake up! But I wasn't dreaming. She was talking to her brother about vacuuming...! Another miracle in the Boda Climb to Clean Project. Wow.

Actually, you need to divide the sentence to realize that it's actually a double miracle. "I don't mind doing it..." To hear that from either one of my kids about cleaning is incredible. If you read my earlier posts, you know that this hasn't been a smooth journey when dealing with my family. Now, she did have her own motivation as she is expecting company later this afternoon, but she pulled out the vacuum and glass cleaner (!) and got to work without even a whimper of complaint.

Then there's the second part, "...the rooms are already clean." I NEVER thought I'd hear that about MY house. "The rooms are already clean." Do you know what it's like to hear that...and to know it's TRUE??! Most people do. This was a first for me. The only exception is our dining room table, but it's got stacks of papers that I need to sort through...quite different from the areas of trash and filth we've been cleaning. Now, the house is not perfect; it looks lived in, but it's a bit of clutter, not grime, filth, and dirt. For most people, this is normal...for me, it's pristine!

"Cleanliness is next to godliness." I hate that phrase! Because godliness involves so much more than cleanliness, so I think it underscores the importance of being godly in such an ungodly world. It's kind of like the overuse of the word "awesome." BUT, cleanliness does bring some peace, and for us in the world of squalor, it brings a sense of accomplishment like most people don't understand. (I named this "Climb to Clean for a reason!) Well, actually that's probably not fair...most people have different reasons for feeling a wonderful sense of accomplishment, but it's not usually from a clean house. :)

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