Sunday, October 3, 2010

Footloose and Fancy Free in the Kitchen

Once again, I was on one of my favorite web sites (Stepping Out of Squalor...SOS) when I read something that really resonated with me. Believe it or not, there is a streak of perfectionism in us "squalorees." That probably surprises you. See, we feel like when we do something (esp. house cleaning), we need to do it ALL and do it WELL...even perfectly. If we can't do it--no time, too overwhelmed, whatever--then we don't do ANYthing. Even doing something like picking up the obvious trash is too small a task if we can't get it all done. I mean doing that will lead to the next glaring layer of grime, and if I can't get to it, then why should I even start? I know this is ridiculous to the "cleanies" out there, but it is our warped way of thinking. Crazy, huh? Yeah, I know. But it is exactly how I tend to think.

I found myself falling into that trap even recently. As you know, I've been working on small areas to clean and then maintain. That means that other areas still show no signs of improvement. I'm fine with that because the clean is growing...someday, not too far in the future, clean WILL win. But those other areas can still be pretty bad. I'll find myself wanting to deal with part of it...but my old way of thinking rears its ugly head. I'm thinking, oh, I will be getting to that, and I'll be cleaning it up and maintaining it, too (cause I've seen recently that I AM capable of that), so instead of picking up those few things that are bothering me, or really getting in the way of our day-to-day living, I just let them go, or keep walking by it.

The other day, I was talking to myself (not out loud, thankfully...I've got enough issues that this could be the one to bring the guys with straight jackets to my house to carry me away! :p), and I found myself giving myself a good lecture. I was in the family room -- the room that gets the most use in our house. And I was saying to myself, "DUH! Just because I can't clean it ALL up right now and keep up with it, doesn't mean I have to let EVERYthing go. stupid is that?" So I picked up a few obvious things, asked the kids to do the same, and in just a few minutes, we got to the point where we could actually walk on the floor and sit on the couch without stepping or sitting on clothes, papers, etc. Still have a LONG way to go, and none of us currently has the motivation or time to get it where it needs to be...but (and this is important) THAT's OKAY! There IS does NOT HAVE TO BE perfect progress.

Before, I go, I have one more thing to share. Last night when I came upstairs from the computer to our kitchen, I took my shoes off and walked across the kitchen to the frig to get something to drink. Now, first of all, the fact that I COULD walk across in my bare feet is a minor miracle itself. The fact that I did it and didn't step on any crumbs, stickies, or ickies is a major miracle in this house. I was thinking, "Hey, we did this! We mopped three days ago (or was it four?), and we've managed to maintain it enough so that I can walk across and not have to immediately go wash my feet or socks." ***Happy dance!***

Well, now I've got some laundry to do and a few things to put away to maintain the maintaining. :D


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