Sunday, September 26, 2010

Another step into the world of cleanies...

One more area to maintain has been added today. Our kitchen floor has now been cleaned, swept, and mopped! It's been worse before, but it was still pretty nasty. Blech! The kids and I did it together, along with a little help from hubby. And we did that while maintaining our other areas: kitchen counter, did the dishes, emptied dishwasher, etc. Now, another routine has been added to our growing list. We plan to sweep every day and mop at least once a week.

The kids have done pretty well with their new bathroom routines. I think they see the benefit of doing something quickly every day instead of waiting until it's a nightmare that takes hours to clean. I'm proud of all of us with the whole issue of maintenance.

I also want to talk about some progress with my thought process today. I was at my mother's house today. She has always made housekeeping seem easy. She has always been a "cleanie," but it's not like I always and only saw her cleaning 24/7. She just had her routines down and never let anything go. People could stop by most anytime, and it wouldn't be a problem. As time has gone on, and especially since we kids have been gone, her house has been even more immaculate. And to top it all off, she has a real knack for decorating. She is constantly getting compliments on her home...and rightfully so. My friends see her house and just go on and on about how beautiful it is. I've always been self conscious of the difference with my house. I loved going to her house to get away from my own chaos. It was just easier to spend time there. But there are also some mixed feelings there because I would look at her decorations and feel sad because I would think about ideas I would have for my own home, but knew they would get lost in the mess. Today, for the first time, I was looking around one of her rooms briefly and I actually felt hope. I thought, someday in the near future, I'm going to, first of all, be able to appreciate the decorations, pictures, etc, that I already have up and have been lost lately, and, secondly, I can even make some changes or additions. That's kind of exciting to me! I have some wonderful seasonal decorations that have been given to me the past few years, but I haven't put half or more of them out because I could never get the house clean enough to justify putting them out. I especially think of my favorite season, Fall. I love fall...the colors, the changing leaves, cooler weather. And I have some really NICE fall "accouterments" to put up. I'll probably miss this season again with how slowly I'm moving, but next year....LOOK OUT! It's almost like a reward I'm looking forward to. When I reach a certain point, I can really spruce some things up. I can't wait.

Combine all of the above with my clean kitchen floor, and I'm feeling pretty doggone good right now! :)

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