Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A cup of tea, a spot of tea, or no tea at all?

Got a cup of tea ready to take with me to work this morning. LOVED my clean counters to work on! Got my lunch ready in record time...I'm sure it's because of those clean counters...nothing to shuffle around, not looking for where I put something, etc.

Made supper in a clean kitchen...so much easier. Pans clean and ready to use; gotta love that! And somewhere along the way, I took note that I was putting stuff away as I used it without TOO much thought. Can't say it's natural (probably never will be entirely), but with everything starting off clean, there is a desire to keep it that way as much as possible. Now, what to have for supper tomorrow night...hmmm.

Still struggling a bit with the island in the kitchen. I am convinced that the gravitational pull is much stronger there. It's our Bermuda Triangle...stuff just disappears for a while there. It has to be cleaned off several times a day to maintain, and that gets old. But we are perservering...somewhere along the way, it will stay clean longer than an hour, I just know it.

Hubby washed dishes tonite and wiped off the counters for me. YAY! Major kudos to him! He did miss one pan (the biggest one used...how do you do that?), but that will be so easy to clean quickly with everything else around it clean.

Got some new fall decorations from my mom. I absolutely love Fall! Anyway, she agreed to store them for me until next year when I'll have places to put them...CLEAN places to put them.

The kids are "on board" with all of this for the most part, but there's still some attitude peaking out that makes me a little crazy. But bad habits are hard to break. I've heard the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. It just doesn't work. Well, I think that's what the kids want...they want to do (or not do!) the same things they've always done, but they also want a clean house; they just don't want to have to work to get it. Add to all that that they're teenagers (well, one teen and one almost-teen), and...well, you get the idea. These are things that should have been taught when they were toddlers. It's never too late to learn better ways, but it's going to take some perserverance on all of our parts.

Overall...good day! Now...for a good night...sleep is beckoning me!

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