Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The clean is growing...

One more counter clean! Between yesterday and today, I got the counters in the kitchen cleaned and wiped off. Yay! The island is going to be a little tougher, especially when it comes to maintaining it. I think it's a magnet for clutter. Hmmm...have to think about that one. But in the meantime, if I keep the other counters maintained, that will be huge! :)

I actually washed dishes yesterday before going to bed! Do you know how I HATE to wash dishes??! But it is SO nice working around the kitchen today with a clean sink and no dirty dishes cluttering the counter.

The stove is also staring at me, daring me to clean it off. I hate cleaning off the stove (maybe even more than dishes)! The front of the stove around the handle is a mess, but I don't know how to get to it. I have tried all kinds of different things...SOS pads, an old toothbrush, even a screwdriver. I think I may have to actually tear apart the door to get to it.

I don't know what it is, but I've lost some steam with our bedroom. I don't mind most stages of laundry....except...I hate putting clothes away...maybe that's why. So, I've decided to work on other areas BUT do my bedroom a little bit at a time. Even if I just put two items of clothes away.

The bathroom is still clean!! :) I've been spraying the shower and wiping the sink down every day. I plan to include the toilet in that, too, but we have a leak right now. :P

Until another time...

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