Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 5 begins

You know, this doing things in stages and/or layers is really cool. I am seeing progress, and it lifts the spirits! But I am being realistic, too...not expecting too much...and get this--I'm maintaining what I've already done. That is what still daunts me a little. Once I make significant progress, how in the world will I maintain it? I mean, treading water before was overwhelming, let alone when I will have so much more to maintain. Well, I've refused to think too far ahead. One day at a time. And so far, so good. We've maintained! I sprayed the shower and did a quick wipe of our bathroom sink this morning (I finally remembered to do that!). I washed more dishes yesterday...they are almost done. And my daughter and I went through stuff under our kitchen island and got rid of a lot of stuff that I don't use.

The next 36 hours are going to be NUTS for' games to go to, I have to work, we're putting in our new bathroom floor, and I'm still trying to figure out how the heck we're going to get the kids' paper routes done, and to top it all off, my hubby is home sick from work. (Woke up to the sound of his viscious vomiting at 5 AM...that was pleasant...NOT.) So...the point in all of that is that my goals for today are simply to continue and try to finish a couple projects I've started: my side of our bedroom, a couple loads of laundry, and the cupboard items that my son took out for me to sort and decide what we keep and what goes. Nothing new.

Oh, one more thing...I find this kind of the midst of the clutter and dirt, we are trying to put things away as we use them and clean up at least what we've used at that time. So in the midst of a mountain of empty wrappers, boxes, and dirty dishes, we're putting the current items away. It seems so silly to outsiders, but it's an attempt to form better habits. So when the past filth is gone, nothing new is building. Gotta love that! to work. :P

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