Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Clean is better...

I was TIRED this morning...more so than usual. I am not a morning person to begin with, but I was definitely draggin' today. I hit the snooze button the usual amount of times, but it seemed like I had just gotten to sleep when I really had to get up. I truly like my job, but today I was headed to my least favorite building, so I was lacking in some motivation. Took me forever to drag my butt out of bed. I stood in the shower like in a trance. Usually my morning shower wakes me up pretty good, but this morning, I still felt half out of it when I got out. But I have to say, even in my foggy state, I noticed how good it was to have a clean bathroom to get ready in, especially being as tired as I was. Working in a clean environment makes things so much easier! Yeah, I know...this is not a new concept to most, but I read somewhere that the discovery of something old is still a discovery. I have a feeling I'll be making a lot of "old" discoveries in this journey.

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