Thursday, September 23, 2010

Maintenance only...but it's okay...

Had a pretty nasty headache most of this evening, plus I didn't get home until almost 7:00, so today was only maintenance...BUT I DID MAINTAIN! I didn't let anything go like I normally would. You know how it is...a surface is cleaned off, so one or two things left there won't matter, right? But that's how it I gritted my teeth and kept up with what I've got started.

The holidays are coming...I'm looking forward to a cleaner house. (Notice I didn't say, "clean house.") Being realistic in that I still may not be where I will eventually need to be, but I know things will still be much better.

Working tomorrow and kids have games in their sports...I love watching my kids play! So, tomorrow's going to be a GOOD day.


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